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Fight for Right



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Sand up for the



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Eye of the Child.

The organisation was established on 28th February, 1995 as response to the need for a strong advocacy organisation that work actively and holistically for the protection, care and justice for children in Malawi.


Eye of the Child is a registered Child rights, not-for-profit, non-political and non-governmental Organization in Malawi.

Our Vision

Eye of the Child vision seek to contribute towards the creation of “ Nations free of abuse, exploitation and Violence against Children”

Our Mission

Eye of the Child mission aim at promoting the respect and protection of children rights in Malawi through advocacy and social mobilisation.

Main Objective

To protect and promote Child Rights through Advocacy, Child Protection and free Legal Service, Capacity building training, Social Welfare Service, Research


We publish some of our stories on our blog.

The organization was established in response to the need for a strong advocacy organization that works actively and holistically for the protection, care, and justice for children in Malawi.


Even the smallest of donations can help change a life.

Partnership: Cooperate with local and international individuals and organizations with the aim of exchanging information, planning together, and implementing joint projects that promote human rights and democracy; and 9. Response: Engage in any other activities that promote the interest of the organization, human rights and children.